" Love your enemies ... "
Esoteric Christianity as it appears in first 5 centuries after Christ,
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... The Logos-Wisdom ...

" The Logos-Wisdom is the principle of all Divine and Esoteric Revelations. She has the characteristics of being the indwelling revealer of God. She IS the active principle and the transmitter of all Divine knowledge as well the cosmological cause of all creation. "

 Think for yourself and do not quickly accept ideas. Test all things; hold fast what is good. (1 Thes. 5:21) 

 If you have enemies, each has a Soul, as you do. 

 " Love your enemies " 

" Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. " --Robert A. Heinlein
Wed Apr 24th, 2024 05:07 pm PST,  Your Ip: