" Love your enemies ... "
They said to him, ' What is the place to which we are going? ' The Lord said, '
Stand in the place you can reach! '
" Mary said, ' Everything established thus is seen. ' The Lord said, ' I have told you that it is
the one who can see who reveals. ' --The Dialogue of the Saviour "

" Live Your Truth. Do Not Seek or Do Not Take Advantage of Each Other; Always Seek Mutual Consent with One Another... "

Esoteric Christianity as it appears in first 5 centuries after Christ,
NON Biblical writings!
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1 year ago. Somebody did ask me?
   ... Hi About a year ago, somebody did ask me. Why your religious beliefs are so different from my beliefs. I simply did answer. The spirit world lead me to so call bridal-chamber. So, I could see how this world is interacting with the spirits operating it.   bogdan ...,  Id# 8

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... The Logos-Wisdom ...

" The Logos-Wisdom is the principle of all Divine and Esoteric Revelations. She has the characteristics of being the indwelling revealer of God. She IS the active principle and the transmitter of all Divine knowledge as well ass the Cosmological cause of all Creation. "
Wed Apr 17th, 2024 08:08 pm PST,  Your Ip: