" Love your enemies ... "
Esoteric Christianity as it appears in first 5 centuries after Christ,
NON Biblical writings!
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My Spiritual Lady; The Wisdom.
was last edited on 2023-03-28 at 10hr, View the original article, id# 52;

...  ... ' For several years, in mine spiritual awakening, entirely predetermined, the " Feminine-Principle ", " The-Holy-Ghost " manifested Herself to me as a Female, several times a day, always at the same time of the day, with Her soft/whisper feminine voice, She gently called me by my nickname. She always, every time, not even ...

was last edited on 2022-06-19 at 14hr, View the original article, id# 52;

... As Greeks say, The Lord created and operates this world with WISDOM. I think I know who She is. Read quotation in the footer of this page. bogdan -- ...

Comment on Archons
was last edited on 2022-06-19 at 09hr, View the original article, id# 279;

... I the author of this website will comment on Archons.  It is, the "Lower Psychism" and "Higher Psychism" that operates this world. They are located under the so called "portals" that I consider as  Archons.    First, what archons wants is, that you focus your focus energy on them, good or bad , it no matter. They will ex ...

Leonor White incident
was last edited on 2022-06-19 at 09hr, View the original article, id# 344;

... Hi Just think about it. Both of them Leonor and the lady never see eachother. Both had the same thoughts to go to Home Depot at the same time. Timing, both arrived there about at the same time. Dog named Lumi immediately wants to play with Leonor. I am 100% certain that, this is the works of Spirit ...

It's coming!!!
was last edited on 2019-03-19 at 17hr, View the original article, id# 213;

... Hi The position of NWO towards all of Us could be applied to this, it's coming!!!. Soon, more of my comments are coming on NWO.  See also: http://watch.pair.com/law.html bogdan ...

1 year ago. Somebody did ask me?
was last edited on 2019-03-09 at 16hr, View the original article, id# 47;

... Hi About a year ago, somebody did ask me. Why your religious beliefs are so different from my beliefs. I simply did answer. The spirit world lead me to so call bridal-chamber. So, I could see how this world is interacting with the spirits operating it.   bogdan ...

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... The Logos-Wisdom ...

" The Logos-Wisdom is the principle of all Divine and Esoteric Revelations. She has the characteristics of being the indwelling revealer of God. She IS the active principle and the transmitter of all Divine knowledge as well the cosmological cause of all creation. "
" Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. " --Robert A. Heinlein

" I know that I know nothing, --bogdan "
Sat Jul 27th, 2024 12:00 am PST,