" Love your enemies ... "
Esoteric Christianity as it appears in first 5 centuries after Christ,
NON Biblical writings!
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Comment Title: ... The letter Ptolemy's Letter to Flora. The positive description of our earth creator, contrary to Sethians Gnosticism. ...

The letter Ptolemy's Letter to Flora. This article is describing our earth creator, contrary to Sethians Gnosticism; the craftsman, chef ruler the Demiurge, as a possible creator of our material universe.
Therefore, a God and a Father of our Souls; in a very positive light.  Read: Ptolemy's Letter to Flora.

I absolutely agree with Ptolemy.



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... The Logos-Wisdom ...

" The Logos-Wisdom is the principle of all Divine and Esoteric Revelations. She has the characteristics of being the indwelling revealer of God. She IS the active principle and the transmitter of all Divine knowledge as well as the Cosmological cause of all Creation. "

Think for yourself and do not
quickly accept ideas. Test all things

;hold fast what is good. (1 Thes. 5:21)

 " Love your enemies " 

 " By their fruits you will recognize them "(Matt.7:15-16)  

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